My Life Risking Decision

June 16 2007, 10:56 AM

I've been doing some thinking... and I've decided I'm going to be an under cover cop or just a Cop in general. But my main goal is an Under Cover Cop, Don't ask me why... 

I guess you could say the one who helped me decide my future was a favorite video game character of mines. Leon S. Kennedy from one of the best games ever made. "Resident Evil 4'.

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Though I can't forget Solid Snake from the Metal Gear Solid series. I guess it's a risky decision and all. Deciding to become just another number in the Government System. But I want to save people... I want to help them.

Even though I know no one will appreciate me or what I do. It's still a choice I decided. The Government doesn't care about us... we just fight to save people. It's what our job description is.

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So it's been decided... My life goal is saving and helping people... I have my reasons why... those reasons remain untold...

It's a do or don't thing... A wrong move could cost everything. Never the less... I still don't hesitate to do what I say I will.


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  • Male
  • 15 years old


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Last update Jun 16, 2007
